The problems pertaining to circulatory and cardiovascular problems are seen to be on steep rise. The blame for such problem has been levied upon unhealthy diet, stress, living conditions, irregular sleeping habits. The rise of Viagra sale in last few years hold testimony to the rise in problem related to erectile dysfunction. The meds may help in keeping the libido but in long run they do more than short term benefits nurtured. So here we present some of the best ED treatment : Banana: Banana is very rich in potassium, which is utmost important for maintaining proper heart rate and better circulation, which are essential for better erectile. Potassium also keeps the Sodium level in check, which reduces blood pressure, which can be a reason for erectile dysfunction. Banana also contains vitamin B which keeps the energy level high, hence, increases sex drive. It is one of the best ED treatments . Mango: Mango is an alkaline fruit rich in copper, potassium and magnesium. Mangoes hav...