Today millions of the men are facing with the fertility issues and it is even surprising that about 30-40% of infertility cases have result of male infertility problems. It was long time before when inability to become pregnant is called the fault in women only. Statistics shows that around 30% infertility issues are due to male problems and 30% are because of both male and female issues. In that case you have to understand the fact completely and try natural infertility treatments which would be great option.
Factors works for Male Infertility
Factors works for Male Infertility
- Low Motility- Sometimes men have no problem with sperm quantity but quality is not that good so it would move or swim in forward direction. This can be due to body is deficient of specific nutrients or sometimes it may be immobile or not able to swim correctly.
- Low Sperm Count- A sperm should be 60-70 million sperm per millilitre of seminal fluid and if the count goes down up to 20 million or low then this condition is believed abnormal. So many men are today fighting with low sperm count. Due to increment of xeno-esterogen in environment gives way to amount of estrogens that leaves drastic effects over the sperm count.
- Varicocele- This is an enlarged vein within scrotum and it result in excessive heat in the area which further spoils the sperm and also may result in low sperm count.
- Sperm Morphology- This refers the shape and size of sperm and abnormal sperm may result in infertility and this would be result of nutrient deficiencies and chemicals in environment but to deal with such things one can use natural infertility treatment.
Nutrition Recommendations- Good nutrition plays vital role in natural infertility treatment for both men and women. If the diet is lacking then possibly you would have to face problems with hormones and then there would be absence of proper sperm development. You should focus over intake of nutrient dense foods like omega 3 foods as they are helpful in reducing inflammation and give proper balance of hormones. Consuming a diet rich in A, D, E and K Vitamins helps in betterment of sperm quality as well as quantity.
Diet contained with apt amount of Zinc helps in high concentration in sperm and give them better count as well. Diet should also contain with anti-oxidants and nutrients so that would give a strong fight to free-radicals in the body because they would result in damaging the cells and your sperm is very sensitive to that. So, have a well-balanced diet to rebuild the damage.
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