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Do I have weakened Immune System - Look at Symptoms?

Consistently blood works to pick up the immune level in the body and so it would be really great for you if you would catch the symptoms of low immune system as early you can. If you are a person who is having string immunity that means you are not only free from general colds, flus but the task is really appreciating because creates a protection sheet for you and keep you away from chronic viral infections including herpes, hepatitis and cancers as well. Here given are some of the common signs of weak immune system so that you can check out and take preventive steps when it’s too late for that.

Frequent colds- If you are frequently catch with colds or are very sensitive to cold or sore throat then quietly possibly the condition is there due to having weak immune system. Sensitivity to cold weather and getting cold so often is due to low temperature of body. You can check the core temperature of body especially in the morning when you are still under bed covers. The oral body temperature that is required for a stronger immune system should not go below 36.3 degree Celsius. Having such temperature becomes the work place for viruses like Rhino virus who has fastest replication rate at 33degress. So, you have to look at solutions to raise core temperature which would automatically provide you with boosted immune system. Even exercise would work great for you in such situation. Having warm foods like cinnamon, garlic, ginger, lamb, coconut and oats would be great option for you.

Lacking fever- Having strong immune system means body has power to give strong fight to the viruses, bacteria and cancer cells and even kill them. The body gets power from heat called fever. Having strong immune system should be able to increase core temperature high so that it would create environment where all bacteria and viruses would vanish. Having fever means a desirable response of immunity against viruses. The best idea to kill viruses is not to suppress the fever but make immunity does its work correctly. The body is called low immune when it is not able to create fever when required to give strong fight to bacteria.

Skin Signs- It seems strange but true that even looking at the skin the body can be told it’s immune or low immune. Actinic keratosis which is actually brown spots rough skin patches especially over stomach or back told you that you are have weak immune system. These spots should not be mixed with sun spots and liver spots. If you look at the mirror and found you are having some of them then working seriously over the boosting immunity should be done as quickly as possible.


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