When it comes any physical ailment, most of us have a tendency of going for over-the-counter prescription drugs, when we can easily look around and choose natural supplements, which can cure ailments and do not harm the body in any way. On the question of how to improve intelligence , the argument can be that it is not a physical ailment, per se. But natural supplements available commonly in the market nowadays can do wonders when you have concerns about your health and well-being. Needless to say that the brain is the command centre and the most important part of the body and hence, when it comes to improving your memory and intelligence, we would leave no stone unturned. A sharp memory helps at all places either as a student or while doing job.Even a female who lives at home needs a sharp memory as she is the one manages all the house responsibilities and needs to remember so many things of all the family members. Natural supplements will definitely give you a feeling of increase...