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Showing posts from February, 2014

Natural Supplements Are Potent In Improving Intelligence

When it comes any physical ailment, most of us have a tendency of going for over-the-counter prescription drugs, when we can easily look around and choose natural supplements, which can cure ailments and do not harm the body in any way. On the question of how to improve intelligence , the argument can be that it is not a physical ailment, per se. But natural supplements available commonly in the market nowadays can do wonders when you have concerns about your health and well-being. Needless to say that the brain is the command centre and the most important part of the body and hence, when it comes to improving your memory and intelligence, we would leave no stone unturned. A sharp memory helps at all places either as a student or while doing job.Even a female who lives at home needs a sharp memory as she is the one manages all the house responsibilities and needs to remember so many things of all the family members. Natural supplements will definitely give you a feeling of increase...

These Remedies Can Work for Weight Loss

Reducing the weight of a person with the help of of lessening fat deposits of the body is actually called weight loss. So, those who are suffering from excess fat around the body and are known as fatty and obese people can try some natural remedies for weight loss because trying them will result in less risk of having health problem like hypertension, obesity etc. the count of persons is even going higher so you should manage your health and weight with few easy techniques. Signs of excess Weight- In case you have high BMI compared to normal or if you feel that your clothes are going tighter and have expanded waist then quite possible you are gaining weight. There are some other signs of high weight includes the high blood pressure problems, breathing issues, joint pains along with diabetes. Causes- Having extra fat around the body is due to some reasons and these includes having unhealthy diet, because a diet which includes huge amount of calories and fats gives way to overweig...

Here’s how you can Treat Asthma Attacks using Mint

Asthma and cold are very common during the winter season. Particular at this time of season people go with lower immunity and pollution also rises in the air which is main culprit to give you asthma attack. Even asthmatic feels difficulty in keep the condition away but trying herbal remedy asthma is what which can save you to some level so that no asthma attack takes place. The best known solution for you is mint which is known as ‘pudina’ in Hindi. Mint has a strong fragrance and flavor and so it is able to open the airways and that is the reason you feel relax and breathe in proper way. It also works as expectorant and helps in the eviction of mucus, and patient can recover faster. It contains anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial properties so consumption of the same can provide you relief from inflammation due to respiratory tract and make you breathe better which is like a miracle for asthmatic people. In case you are having asthma attack then you need to have a drop of...

Ways to Enhance your Brain Power and Memory

Having brilliant mind is dream of everyone and it is believed that it is god gift. The fact is true to some level but not completely true that we can’t do anything to enhance its power or sharpen the memory. Here you can try some of the tips for improving memory as well as mental performance. Spend Time in fun- Whenever you think of enhancing the brain power, you thought of trying some serious activities like solving puzzle world or trying game of chess and some of the old past time games but the techniques to get your dream is very easy the thing you need to do is to just hang out with your friends and enjoy a lot. Even studies have proved the fact people who live in fun atmosphere have enhanced brain power compared to those who have reserved nature. Make your relationships Healthy- One can’t live alone and we live in several relations but in place of choosing isolation you need to be with the family and friends. A study proves that relationships can help in stimulation of brai...