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Dealing with Menorrhagia? Try out remedial Solution

Menorrhagia is in general known as the heavy menstrual bleeding. When a lady is having the issue, then in an idea she loses around 80mL or more blood during just one cycle. One who is facing such heavy blood loss need to use menorrhagia herbal remedies so that the problem can be cured naturally and easily. Having a heavy blood loss leaves the negative impact over not just the healthy, but to the quality of life as well. To start any of the treatment plan, better understand the each aspect of the issue deeply.

What Causes the Menorrhagia? - There is a quite huge list that might result in menorrhagia or heavy menstrual blood loss.

Menorrhagia Causes Include:
  • It is considered to be the early stage of genital tuberculosis
  • Blood dyscresia leukemia
  • Having thyroid dysfunction like hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
  • Dealing with severe anemia
  • Pelvic adhesions
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • Feminine ovarian tumor
  • Endometriosis
  • Using progestogen contraceptive pills
  • IUCD
  • Irregular ripening of endometrium
  • Oestrogen withdrawal
Treatment of Menorrhagia- Now, you would have gone through the issue that would have dragged you to the situation and in case, you are dealing with any of such issue, then need to try out menorrhagia herbal remedies along with ways to minimize or vanish the effect of the menstrual issue.

Use the Herbal Power- Some of the herbs having the stringent properties and so they can work magic to keep away the issue of excessive uterine bleeding. Not just this, but also, they give way to hormonal balance.

Cinnamon- Cinnamon is an essential product that is widely found in most of the kitchen due to its use in baking and cooking, but not just this can better your cooking, also, offers relief from the heavy bleeding as well. Ladies with menorrhagia need to add some in the daily diet. Additionally, it offers calmness to the uterus and lessens the uterine bleeding. 

Cinnamon also contained with astringent properties so can close blood vessels helpful to keep control of excessive bleeding.

Try a Concoction- You can try out an herbal concoction with cinnamon and to prepare that take a cup of hot water and add 3 spoons of powdered cinnamon o it. Sip this at the gap of every hour by the time bleeding returns to normal.

Use the Ice pack- Using the ice pack on the lower abdominal area is helpful idea to not just pain, but also, lessens the blood flow as well. It reduces the swelling and alleviates pain too. This simple solution is best to try even with menorrhagia herbal remedies. Reason, using an ice pack gives way to vasoconstriction means it is helpful in constriction of the blood vessels and so the flow of blood would go lessens.

Using Ice Pack-
To use an ice pack, take some of the ice cubes and wrap them in a towel and place over the abdomen for 20 minutes. You can also place the ice cubes in zip pouch and wrap it in a thin towel and then place in the area. You can also reapply the pack at the gap of 3-4 hours if the symptoms still continued.


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