Arteries carry oxygenated blood to all parts of the body. When blood pushes through the arterial walls, it exerts pressure against the walls which is called as blood pressure. High blood pressure is mainly classified into primary and secondary hypertension. There is no specific cause for primary hypertension. Secondary hypertension may be caused due to some underlying factor. There are different causes of high BP. Some of the common causes include obesity, ageing, alcohol intake, excessive salt intake, smoking, excessive caffeine intake, stress, medications, narrowing of arteries, etc. A person suffering from high BP may experience certain symptoms such as headache, nose bleeding, blurred vision, dizziness, restlessness, fatigue, flushed face and uneasiness.
There are many natural remedies for controlling blood pressure. Maintaining a strict diet and change in lifestyle is an excellent natural remedy for High blood pressure. One should reduce salt intake to maintain normal BP. One should carefully select food items from the market. It is important to read the food labels carefully to select the food products with low sodium content.
One should avoid alcohol drinking and smoking. Alcohol and smoking damages the walls of arteries. Smoking increases the risk of heart diseases. Another important natural remedy for high blood pressure is reducing weight. One should do some exercise for reducing excessive weight. One should cut down on calorie intake. Avoid eating chocolates, junk food and processed food for reducing calorie intake. One should include fresh fruits and vegetables in diet. People suffering from hypertension should also reduce saturated fats and high cholesterol foods. One should try eating foods rich in potassium. Fruits such as banana, watermelon, oranges are rich in potassium.
One should also reduce intake of caffeine. Tea, coffee, sodas should be avoided to maintain normal pressure in the arteries. One should try to lower stress by doing meditation. It also helps in keeping blood pressure under control.
There are many effective natural therapies for reducing BP. One can also take one teaspoon of amla powder with a glass of water in the morning to reduce blood pressure. It is a wonderful natural remedy for high blood pressure.
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