A disease which is believed incurable and has caught so many people around the world is nothing other than Type 1 diabetes. It is different from type 2 diabetes because in that condition body goes resistant to its own produced insulin but in type 1 diabetes body is not able to make enough insulin as beta cells within the pancreas that actually makes insulin are either destroyed or goes impaired. The cause of the condition can be any autoimmune disease, viral or bacterial infections, not having good food or over exposure to chemicals but no worries as diabetes herbal cure is a solution that can make a way to reach the goal of complete wellness for you. Avocado- A study done few years back said that extract from avocado seed helps in reducing blood sugar. Even researches reached to the conclusion that it has protective as well as restorative effects over the pancreatic islet cells. Arginine- Studies said that amino acid L- arginine is able to arouse the genesis of beta cel...