Indigestion, or acid reflux to be precise, is a circumstance where the ring of muscle that goes about as a valve between the stomach and the throat does not close appropriately and in this way permits the gastric juices in the stomach to come back to the throat. The gastric juices lead to a smoldering sensation in the midsection and esophagus, which is called acid reflux. This condition can be portrayed as a result of an inappropriate amount of stomach acid vital for the absorption of food, which adversely influences the digestion process and prompts the back flow of this acid into the throat. Natural cure for acid reflux treatment can be rightly alluded to as a comprehensive method of curing this problem that is fully capable of managing it in a little time. It is one of the three methods for treating this issue, the other two being the surgical and the recommended drugs method. Natural cure for acid reflux treatment includes various things, which are given as follows: Dietary ...