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Showing posts from December, 2014

Nature’s wonders that could help to Cure Type 1 Diabetes

A disease which is believed incurable and has caught so many people around the world is nothing other than Type 1 diabetes. It is different from type 2 diabetes because in that condition body goes resistant to its own produced insulin but in type 1 diabetes body is not able to make enough insulin as beta cells within the pancreas that actually makes insulin are either destroyed or goes impaired. The cause of the condition can be any autoimmune disease, viral or bacterial infections, not having good food or over exposure to chemicals but no worries as diabetes herbal cure is a solution that can make a way to reach the goal of complete wellness for you. Avocado- A study done few years back said that extract from avocado seed helps in reducing blood sugar. Even researches reached to the conclusion that it has protective as well as restorative effects over the pancreatic islet cells. Arginine- Studies said that amino acid L- arginine is able to arouse the genesis of beta cel...

Every Diabetic Should Follow This Routine

Diabetes is a problem which if left ignored or untreated then might give way to many other health issues as well. Every diabetic should live a healthy lifestyle where he has to give stress to diet and exercise as well. One should try diabetes ayurvedic cure along with healthy routine that patient should follow daily. Get up on time- Diabetic should wake up early in morning and reason for that it would provide him ample time for exercise and morning exercise and fresh air is also great for his health condition. With empty stomach, drink a glass of lukewarm water added 2 spoons of fresh juice of lemon every day. Exercise- Exercise is great for healthy body and mind and specifically it is great treatment option for diabetic. One can go for a morning walk. Meditation or yoga is also great because they not only help to deal with stress but clam down the mind. As per your stamina you can also choose swimming, cycling or jogging etc. Breakfast- Eating healthy food works lik...

Natural approach for Preventing Diabetes

Today you have to do so many tasks but you would be little surprised to get that by aiding some of them you can be able to get rid of type 2 diabetes. When the task prevents diabetes then you have to review the complete information like causes, symptoms for your condition because they would help to provide diabetes herbal cure for you.   Risk factors for diabetes- There are some of the mentioned top risk factors of type 2 diabetes and to avoid that you must have taken steps for prevention. Some of the very common ones are when you are having excessive abdominal fat, having age more than 45, high blood pressure, if you are obese or overweight, having diabetes running in your family, having low HDL known as good cholesterol, high blood fats, metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovarian syndrome and impaired tolerance of glucose. Some of the risk factors mentioned can’t be helped as you have no control over age or if it is running in your family but the other risks can be managed t...

Foodie Ways to get Rid of Erectile Dysfunction

It is very old saying that you are what you eat and it is very much right in fact because your inner and outer health depends over what you eat. It also depends over your food that you are health or not. Even researches have done over the fact that you can get rid of or attacked with the erectile dysfunction if having correct foods or not. You can lessen the chances of problem of weak erections with making some of the dietary and lifestyle changes. Even some of them are believed super foods because helps you to cure your problem. Causes- To start a foodie treatment first you have to take a look at the causes of issue so that prevention or development can be stopped in some way. ED is generally taken place when having less blood flow to the penis because it is much required to maintain erections and if having low blood flow then result would be weak erections. When the dependency over processed, junk, high sodium or sugary food goes high then it increases carbohydrates, Trans ...