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Natural Solutions That Keep Glaucoma At Bay

Glaucoma is an eye disease and the facts said that t is the second most common health issue. Having this health problem is not just a single issue but, it actually is the group of eye problems which collectively damages the optic nerve and hence, results in vision problems. Its little tough to started glaucoma natural remedies as in its initial stage this is actually free from any symptoms. So, most of the patients are not actually affair about having any problem in their eyes. This is even known as the “silent thief of sight” because initially it is not caught and when in its advanced stage, when problem is diagnosed, by the time, this would have left you with permanent damage to vision. Better, one need to know about the issue in detail which would be discussed in following points.

Causes Behind Glaucoma?- The main cause of the issue  still not discovered but, the damage of the optic nerve leaves with excessive pressure to the eye. Slowly, when the pressure would gets build up from the aqueous humor, which is a watery fluid that comes down from your eyeball. When you are having the healthy eye, then such fluid id drained out but, with glaucoma, the drainage system got some fault and leave excessive pressure and with the passing time, this extra pressure cause nerve fiber that makes the vision loss.

The condition is also there for the people with sensitive optic nerve where the problem starts with blood flow to the eye. This is caused by atherosclerosis- which is plaques’ accumulation in arteries. As the condition is there very slowly still, issues to eye can results in eye problem given here that you can take as the symptoms of the issue:
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blurred vision
  • Severe eye pain
  • Halos around lights
  • Redness to the eyes
  • Sudden visual disturbances
Who Are At Highest Risk Of Getting The Glaucoma?- Glaucoma is one condition which anyone can gets. Till, here are some of the risk factors that might leave you with taking glaucoma natural remedies.

Eye Injuries and Near Sightedeness- Some eye injuries like retinal detachment, eye inflammations, eye tumors or eye surgery because of nay of the reason along with near sightedness is the cause of the issue.

A Person Who is 60 Plus- If you have touched this age level, then risks of having eye issue is higher.

Chronic Health Issues- high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems and hypothyroidism are the disease that makes your chances higher to catch with the issue easily.

Using Corticosteroids- Using such types of drugs for longer period of time increases your risk to height to catch with glaucoma.

Having Family History- If someone is your family is already dealing with the glaucoma, and then you are suggested to start using glaucoma natural remedies at you are at the higher risk of catching with the issue very easily.


  1. Nice Post..Thanks for sharing...IF you are suffering from this disease then go for the Glaucoma Treatment in Kolkata by Eye Specialist.


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