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Natural Cure for ED - Best Fruit for Your Sex Life

The problems pertaining to circulatory and cardiovascular problems are seen to be on steep rise. The blame for such problem has been levied upon unhealthy diet, stress, living conditions, irregular sleeping habits. The rise of Viagra sale in last few years hold testimony to the rise in problem related to erectile dysfunction. The meds may help in keeping the libido but in long run they do more than short term benefits nurtured. So here we present some of the best ED treatment:

Banana: Banana is very rich in potassium, which is utmost important for maintaining proper heart rate and better circulation, which are essential for better erectile. Potassium also keeps the Sodium level in check, which reduces blood pressure, which can be a reason for erectile dysfunction. Banana also contains vitamin B which keeps the energy level high, hence, increases sex drive. It is one of the best ED treatments.

Mango: Mango is an alkaline fruit rich in copper, potassium and magnesium. Mangoes have rich sexual enhancing minerals and nutrients that have scientifically proven to be great for sex drive. Mango is known for its aphrodisiac properties. The vitamin C in mangoes are known to repair body cells, including, ones of the reproductive system. It also boosts libido.

Watermelon: Watermelon is rich in L-citrulline, an amino acid which makes the erectile harder. It converts itself to L-arginine, which increases the production of nitric oxide, which strengthens erection by increasing blood flow to penis.  They are also rich in water, potassium and antioxidants required for the system to remove any type of toxins.

Pineapple: Pineapples are rich in Vitamin C which is known for its properties to increase blood flow to penis. It also contains large amount of magnesium necessary to make you feel energetic.

Spinach: Spinach increases blood flow, because of presence of magnesium, which increases blood flow by decreasing inflammation in blood vessels. Spinach can be consumed in diet as salad or as smoothie.

Hot spices: Spices not only spice up the blank food. It expands blood vessels, and increases the blood circulation hence oodles up the life. The results are magnificent and are considered the best ED treatment.

Other then these natural treatment there are many other food that can be consumed like, coffee which contains caffeine which is known to be energy booster, ginger, pomegranate, green tea for its richness in catechins, dark chocolates, oats, cherries, potatoes, etc. Overall an all round healthy diet with yoga and meditation is necessary to increase the blood flow and relieve the system of all undue stress.


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